- Support the regional BD head with requisite data for creation of annual strategic level plan on time
| - Collect market data on the area, products & categories currently in demand and being targeted by the competition
- Meet channel partners to understand the market trends and gaps
- Get market data from consultants operating in the real estate filed to better understand future scope of projects
- Collate all data and provide 1st level of market understanding to the Regional BD head
- Keep a tab on the changes in laws & regulation that impact real estate sector in the region and update the financial model
Metrics: - Time to provide inputs
- Inputs to regional Head BD on a monthly basis that impact the financial model
- Scout all deal sources in the micro market & create a pipeline of deals for evaluation for the regional head to meet the regional BD targets
| - Contact channel partners in the region and invite deals in line with the finalized requirement
- Connect with the International Property Consultants to source deals
- Evaluate the deal options available using the bidding process by government or financial institutions
Metrics: - Active offers - No. of offers rolled out / quarter - Target vs Actual
- Shortlist the deals basis the finalised internal evaluation criteria and collect all relevant data & information required for further shortlisting for offer
| - Capture all requisite information in the Deal Information register for all deals received through E-mails
- Shortlist the deals to be taken to the next level basis the finalised evaluation criteria
Metrics: - 1st Response time
- % of deals being evaluated that qualify as Star deals
- Conduct a preliminary evaluation of the deal to provide a go ahead or no-go decision to the land owner on time
| - Collect all relevant data of the area and the competition activities in the area for deal evaluation
- Conduct a physical site visit along with the Region BD head to check for Road width, frontage, internal set back requirements, possible height of the building, soil analysis, boundary fencing and other such details
- Communicate either dropping of the deal citing valid reason or send an invite to for interest to the concerned deal source by e-mail
Metrics: - Time for Go No-Do decision
- Do the 1st level deal evaluation by preparing the various reports & analysis to check for business worthiness and support regional BD head to take the deal to National BD head for approval
| - Seek relevant documents like site sketches, revenue documents etc. for the next stage of deal evaluation
- Create the 1st level Developability report to ascertain what can be developed, area, height, product, zoning issues, total saleable area etc.
- Conduct Market Analysis by taking sales team for site visit and collecting their inputs and market data to report on competition, sales price, velocity etc.
- Do Technical Analysis for the site survey to check for exact area measurement, soil analysis and coordinate with design team for FSI clarity
- Prepare draft Financial Analysis for check for required Cash flows, project profitability, IRR and ROI calculations
Metrices: |
- Initiate discussions and negotiations with the land owner to finalise deal terms for timely signing of the term sheet
| - Basis the approval from the National BD head, extend offer to the landowner
- Conduct the 1st round of negotiation with the landowner
- Upon Deal finalisation, draft a term sheet agreement & send to legal team for validation
- Share the legal vetted term sheet with finance to validate the term sheet & cashflows
- Share the final draft with the landowner for their inputs
Metrices: - Time to sign the term sheet
- No. of term sheets signed - Target vs Actual
- Initiate the process of getting detailed reports & analysis with the relevant internal functions and support them for timely completion of the TDD
| - Connect with concerned internal functions to appoint consultants for various reports & analysis
- Coordinate with the consultants and the internal functions to organise the site visits
- Provide all documents, data & clarifications to the consultants to support them in doing analysis & preparation of reports
- Coordinate with the Legal department to provide all support for getting the title report
- Co-ordinate with land owner to get the required documents to complete the legal due diligence
- Complete the Integrity Due Diligence of the landowner
- Create the draft cash flow projections for the project
Metrics: - % closure of TDD line items as per timelines
- Create the 1st set of presentation and collate all reports & documents required for the regional BD head for timely preparation for board approval
| - Basis the management feedback, give a revised offer to the land owner for further negotiation
- Prepare inputs for the Board presentation for approval
- Collate all reports & documents required for board presentation
- In case the proposal is rejected by the board, communicate the same to the land owner
Metrics: - Feedback of manager on timeliness and completeness of inputs
- Work with the legal department & the land owner for finalization of the terms of the draft agreement for timely registration of draft agreement
| - Provide all documents and information to the law firm required for preparation of Joint Development Agreement / Sales Deed
- Work with the Law firm to draft Joint Development Agreement / Sales Deed
- Circulate the draft Joint Development Agreement / Sales Deed internally to finance, legal & thereafter to the land owner for inputs
- Finalise the documents required for registration
Metrics: |
- Prepare the handover dockets for respective teams to initiate further work on the project on time
| - Provide the hand-over docket to the Engineering team for take over the site for development
- Provide the hand-over docket to the Finance Team for the cashflow planning
- Provide the hand-over docket to the Legal Team for their repository with original documents
Metrics: - Adherence to hand-over timelines
- Create and manage the channel partner network to ensure the right number and quality of deals are available for creating a deal pipeline
| - Scout the micro-market continuously and get the channel partners on board for doing business with BE
- Implement the BE channel engagement plan to build strong relations with the channel partners
- Create and update the data base of land banks and channel partners in the operating micro market